Stigmata Sauce
Part of the sacred and profane condiments series.
Tomato ketchup dispenser with religious stigmata spout.
Dettol No-Touch soap dispenser
- IR LED and IR photo-sensor
- microcontroller potted onto board
- plunge-pump
- battery housing
- spout and inlet - one-way valve
- sold in North America under Lysol brand
Dettol No-Touch hand-wash
The unit
Battery housing 3xAA
Screws removed
Soap holder removed
Without body
Hand drilled
Original spout option
Soap inlet OD
Tubing routed
Body modified
Modified body fitted
Major parts ready for box
Box for gubbins
- what-have-you for starters
- ports for ketchup inlet and blood outlet
- nice varnished wooden box eventually
- switch exposed through case
- removable dish for spills
- access for battery change
- hand mounting with powerful magnets
Ketchup squeezy bottle with 7mm feed tube
First working box prototype
Nail hand sensor
- break beam by placing hand between nailed wooden boards
Hands or Wrists?
- Jolly debate ensues:
- Palm of hand is more fun and has higher prevalence in stigmata hosts