Electronics From Scratch is Easy
Workshop: Electronics From Scratch is Easy - a Nottingham Hackspace geek's introduction to electronics and why you can do it!
Many a geek has come to electronics late and thinks that there's just a bit that he/she doesn't get. The subject appears "hard". Why isn't it straightforward like software? Well, the good news is that it IS straightforward and all that is needed is a particular way of looking at things.
This stuff just works but why? An inquisitive mind.
- Electromagnetic phenomena
- electrical charge - electrons!
- static electricity - making it, storing it, using it!
- a galvanometer!
- current - the flow of electrons
- conductivity
- electrical potential and voltage
The physics and mathematics of electromagnetic flux with Lorentz and Maxwell's equations (and why you can immediately forget this!)
- Lumped Matter Discipline
- we use components!
- Open the black box - take a look - close it forever!
- as long as we treat these things nicely, everything will work!
- play, fail, try again!
- resistance to current flow - resistors
- storage of charge - capacitors
- other forms of impedance and inductance (conversely, reactance!)
- silicon semiconductors - a diode!
- valves
- bipolar transistors
- building neat things
- logic circuits
- bigger and bigger systems
- ICs
- microcontrollers/SOCs/computers
- ferrite core memory
- supercomputers!
- ?????
- world domination!