EMF Camp 2024/2023-12-18 Meeting

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Previous chatter EMF Camp 2024.

Attending: Andrew, Aaron, Jon W, Jason, Betty, Gareth, Duncan

  • Do we want to use Ian's large tent? Would be handy for Snackfast (snackspace breakfast)
    • If Ian is willing to let us use it, then yes. :)
    • Need to find something to cover the ground inside the tent.
    • Have a think about the number of tables and chairs we might need from EMF.
    • Duncan asks what transport the tent may require - should hopefully fit in a regular-ish sized van.
  • Jason is building a new bar bot (but it should be quite small and easy to transport)
  • Samathy said they might want to run bar bot for EMF? Competition with Jason!
  • Suggestions for Workshops from Gareth:
    • Solargraphy Workshop. Potentially asking map their photos and build a solargraphy map - sounds cool. Gareth says he can prepare materials etc if unable to come (Aaron can do it otherwise). Suitable for children although not instant gratification, so need to be a bit wary about making its a kids workshop.
    • One Shot Wonders, RPG, etc (sort of what we mentioned last time). Less traditional RPG like Quiet Year.
      • Quiet Year (?) is a bit quicker and may be more suitable for a workshop during the day.
      • Previously Andrew kept DND to < 3 hours or so as more of an introduction to it.
    • Astronomy sketching workshop - sounds fun. Bring back the next morning, scan and invert, makes a nice star map. May be worth lowering expectations if it's late at night. Also the weather was terrible last time sooo. Can plan something last minute if the weather seems nice.
  • Betty up for running crafty things again
    • Promote a bit better this time, shouldn't be bad to fill up a workshop - need to make sure we have capacity to run them though.
    • Origami, needle craft, something more creative for the advanced crafters.
      • Betty filmed herself making things and had it on loop during the workshop. good idea.
    • Maybe bring a couple of sewing machines? Could be difficult for a workshop unless it was a small session?
  • High-single-digits of kids (based on there being over 3000 attendees last EMF) -> more kids workshops maybe?
    • Advertising as kid-friendly is usually a quick sell-out.
  • Andrew and Betty can sort out a list of things to buy for Snackspace
    • Ended up with lots of cans last time but not many snacks. Cans not chilled though.
    • Gareth asks what the deal is with food? Aaron lived off Hummus and Pita bread for about 4 days. Also worth mentioning that volunteering to EMF gives you meal tokens! (and the meals are good)
  • We need to buy a tea urn, for the space AND for EMF Camp.
  • Infrastructure snacky things we might want to do?
  • Maybe have some kind of a BBQ for our members on one evening
    • Account for dietary preferences and take what we'll need
  • Fridge?
    • We have one in blue room which is unused
    • Josh Kelly can also bring one if necessary
    • Keep an eye out for spares that we could take maybe
  • Betty: coffee mornings - Betty and Mike. Coffee the main thing, but... Croissant and energy bars etc as well.
  • Ideas from Jon
    • Joust (reliant on ancient laptop) - Jon to check if it is compatible with a machine he has. Jon might bring it along to next meeting to test it.
    • Soldering workshop / or GPIO - Jon is happy to help (Andrew , Duncan , Jason, Jon, maybe Aaron :D)
      • Gareth might have a chat with Steve B about making some badge PCBs for soldering workshop
      • Do we need some new soldering irons?
    • Scratch programming workshop for kids, or for adults - could be separate workshops
    • Do we need a new toolbox? Previous one broke
  • Gareth asks if we need to bring budgets for these - it would be a good idea!

Next Meeting

15th January 2024.

  • Start to solidify plans for workshops and who will run them
  • Play Joust