1"x42" Benchtop Linisher

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1"x42" Benchtop Linisher
Manufacturer Vanco
AKA {{{aka}}}
Location Metalworking Area
Team Metalworking
Induction Required No
Booking {{{booking}}}
Status Defunct
Tools:   all pageslistPower ToolsBroken tools     {{}}

This is a bench top linisher which uses 1"x"42" abrasive belts (25x1065mm), it has an adjustable rest which can be used to set an angle to grind.

How to use

Firstly to release the belt you push down on the upper guide wheel, it is spring loaded and this releases the tension.

The belt can then be worked free as tension is the only thing keeping it in place, some belts made of stiffer material may be difficult to remove and require you to lower the rest, this can be done by loosening a bolt on the left hand side underneath the rest.

The power switch is on the top of the motor.

Please wear eye protection and dust protection if using as it will create fine abrasive dust, a quench container is typically close by, this will be required when working metal for longer periods. Depending on the abrasive medium on the belt used more or less heat will be generated, worth considering depending on the application.

Belt selection

Based on the area the tool is located it is primarily designed for metal, other sanders are available in the dusty area for the purpose of wood.

A selection of belts is typically available for the tool in various grits and states of usability, if requiring a specific belt for a purpose you may need to provide this.

Belts can be sourced through various suppliers, many high quality items available through eBay at a reasonable price.

Zirconium abrasive belts are great for working metals and offer high cut, great durability and lower heat generation than a similar aluminium oxide