Electronics Extraction (The Defumener)
Electronics Extraction (The Defumener) | |
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Manufacturer | Nottingham Hackspace |
Model | Defumener |
AKA | Defumener |
Obtained | Pledge Drive (Jan 2025) |
Location | Electronics Area |
Team | Electronics |
Induction Required | No |
Tools: all pages • list • Power Tools • Broken tools {{}} |
As part of the 2025 Electronics Pledge Drive, ducting, extraction nozzles, various connectors, hose clips and an extractor fan were purchased. This is to improve the air quality of the Electronics Area while soldering, and to support the use of the T-962A Reflow Oven.
The extraction is still in development, but most of the parts have now arrived.
The bench noodles have been named Henry and Manny by Emily.
The bulk of the extraction is made from standard extraction parts. The PVC ducting is from Screwfix, as are the hose clips and tees. The extractor fan is intended for bathrooms, and was purchased from Amazon.
The Noozles
Meet Henry and Manny. These guys love flux smoke - do not forget to feed them by turning on the extractor fan while soldering. The noozles were purchased from AliExpress and are essentially (knock-off) loc-line with silicone nozzles. They needed eyes though!
The noozles plug into 3D printed bases mounted to the bench. On the underside, the ducting attaches to a different but similar 3D print.
The noozle with eyes.
The eye sockets / eyes.
OpenSCAD for googly eye mounts:
$fn = 300; gap = 3.1; gapShift = gap / 2; // Basic construction translate([-5, 0, gapShift]) cube([10, 10, 3]); translate([-5, 0, -gapShift-3]) cube([10, 10, 3]); translate([0, 0, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder(3, 15/2, 15/2); // Add little grippers for (i = [1:1:4]) { translate([-5, i*2, -gapShift]) rotate([-45, 0, 0]) cube([10, 0.4, 0.4]); translate([-5, i*2, gapShift]) rotate([-45, 0, 0]) cube([10, 0.4, 0.4]); }
OpenSCAD for the things that go on the underside and topside of the benches, which the noozles plug into. Also the grid thing which goes through the hole in the window.
// Noozle Mount $fn = 100; nozzleHole = 50; baseSize = 130; baseSizeTop = 130; thickness = 10; supportHeight = 26-thickness; screwHole = 4; ductingSize = 100; ductingTransition = 20; module upper() { difference() { union () { cylinder(thickness, baseSizeTop/2+thickness, baseSizeTop/2); translate([0, 0, thickness]) cylinder(supportHeight, nozzleHole/2+thickness, nozzleHole/2+thickness); } translate([0, 0, -1]) cylinder(thickness+supportHeight+2, nozzleHole/2, nozzleHole/2); for (rot = [0:120:360]) { rotate([0, 0, rot]) translate([(baseSizeTop-nozzleHole)/2+thickness, 0, -1]) cylinder(thickness+2, screwHole/2, screwHole/2); rotate([0, 0, rot]) translate([(baseSizeTop-nozzleHole)/2+thickness, 0, thickness-1]) cylinder(2, screwHole/2, screwHole/2+1); } } } module lower() { difference () { union () { translate([0, 0, -thickness]) cylinder(thickness, baseSize/2, baseSize/2+thickness); translate([0, 0, -thickness-ductingTransition]) cylinder(ductingTransition, ductingSize/2, ductingSize/2); } translate([0, 0, -1-thickness-ductingTransition]) cylinder(thickness+30, ductingSize/2+-1, nozzleHole/2-thickness); for (rot = [20:120:380]) { rotate([0, 0, rot]) translate([ductingSize/2+thickness-screwHole, 0, -1-thickness]) cylinder(thickness+2, screwHole/2, screwHole/2); rotate([0, 0, rot]) translate([ductingSize/2+thickness-screwHole, 0, -1-thickness]) cylinder(2, screwHole/2+1, screwHole/2); } } } module window() { union () { // difference() { // shelter // translate([-5, 0, -20]) // cylinder(20, ductingSize/2, ductingSize/2); // translate([0, 0, -21]) // cylinder(22, ductingSize/2, ductingSize/2); // } difference () { // tube translate([0, 0, 0]) cylinder(40, ductingSize/2, ductingSize/2); translate([0, 0, -4]) cylinder(40+5, ductingSize/2-4, ductingSize/2-4); } intersection() { translate([-baseSize/2, -baseSize/2, 1]) { for (x = [thickness:thickness:baseSize-thickness]) { translate([x, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 90]) cylinder(baseSize, 1, 1); } } cylinder(3, ductingSize/2, ductingSize/2); } intersection() { translate([-baseSize/2, -baseSize/2, 1]) { for (y = [thickness:thickness:baseSize-thickness]) { translate([0, y, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) cylinder(baseSize, 1, 1); } } cylinder(3, ductingSize/2, ductingSize/2); } } difference() { cylinder(3, ductingSize/2+10, ductingSize/2+10); translate([0, 0, -1]) cylinder(5, ductingSize/2, ductingSize/2); } } //upper(); //translate([0, 0, -25]) // lower(); window();