Minimus Joypad

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Minimus USB AVR for use in a simple HID Joypad


An exercise in moving on from the Arduino: -

  • use of a more flexible IDE: Eclipse CDT (C/C++ development tools)
  • cross-platform development: -
    • on windows boxes using WinAVR
    • on Linux boxes using avr-gcc

Setting up Eclipse on Linux

Largely the same as on Windows - not too surprising really since Eclipse is nicely platform neutral. There are certain GCC AVR packages required but they're well explained and a doddle to set up.

Setting up Eclipse on Windows

Eclipse CDT (C/C++ development tools)

The AVR Eclipse Plugin:

Alternatively for Arduino only development, there are efforts to create an Arduino Eclipse plugin that does a lot of the annoying manual setup for you and may be quicker to get going initialy (since it just points to all the tools and settings under your Arduino installation)

TODO: I should write a specific wiki page on this subject.