Team:Membership/Risk Assessments/Membership Tour

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Name Membership Tour
Type Events
Last Reviewed 2024-02-01
Next Review 2025-02-01

Risk Mitigations
Illnesses of an attendee. The tour guide should request that the attendee leave immediately and book onto another tour when they are feeling well.
Noise due to loud tools being used during the tour. The tour guide put on hearing protection and enter first and request that the tool usage cease temporarily until the group have left the area. Once the noise level has fallen, the group can then enter the area.
Fire due to other members using tools during the tour. Attendees should exit the building immediately, accompanied by the tour guide. Fire extinguishers should be used to clear the path. Tours are limited to 10 attendees to ensure that the group size is not unmanageable.
Tripping or Falling over electrical cables or other obstacles. The tour guide should have a walk-through of the hackspace prior to attendees arriving. They should be aware of any trip hazards and attempt to remove them if it is safe to do so. Lights should be turned on when entering areas to ensure the area is lit properly.
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Please ensure you are familiar with the Nottingham Hackspace Health and Safety Policy before hosting this event.