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BarBot Meeting 2014-04-24

Attendees: Mouse, Ian D, Daniel S, Michael E, Banjoface

Regrets: Seb P

Agenda: Project status & progress, design talk, hacking things


  • Daniel showed his prototype for a weight measuring device. Kitchen scale 0-5kg from ebay. Analog output 2-5 volts. Still need to do calibration work and test linearity.
  • Banjoface got a big syringe thing delivered. Possible delivery of non-fizzy stuffs. Grenadine would looks good - red like blood.
  • Michael brought in a screen in a picture frame. We talked about having a status display which would show something like what drink is currently being made
  • Mouse went over the software architecture:
    • Pi running web interface on open WiFi
    • Customer chooses drink, gets PIN, takes number to operator who approves drink
    • Drink recipe executed by pi, sending commands to arduino over serial
    • Config held in database. Arduino has no knowledge of which drink in which slot
  • Soft drink dispensing w/ CO2 (Michael's research):
    • £20 for 20 oz canister of CO2
    • High pressure regulator 150 Psi -> 12 Psi (BSP Fittings), w/ manifold £6
    • PET caps w/ 2 tubes on thingiverse (insert for cap)
    • Status: in progress

Action Items

  1. Mouse: meeting write-up, finish contact with EMF organisers re: drinkahol
  2. Mouse: to get a driver for the stepper to play with the carousel.
  3. Michael E, Daniel, Ian: to continue carbonated delivery system research & prototype
  4. Ian: have a think about the syringe for grenadine delivery
  5. Seb P: produce design for optic delivery device
  6. Seb P: continue with carousel!
  7. Banjoface: continue work on vaporiser accompaniment to BarBot (which is looking amazing!)

Outstanding Tasks

  1. Cocktail Research: Make a list of candidate (doable) cocktails to aim for
  2. Prototype squirters
  3. Improved carbonated drink dispensers
  4. Power System
  5. Software & database

Next Steps

  • Next meeting: next Thursday (2014-05-01)