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  • 18:09, 11 January 20252025 Electronics Pledge Drive (hist | edit) ‎[5,970 bytes]Asj (talk | contribs) (Created page with "During the 11th January Hack the Space day several team members and electronics area users met up to discuss some ideas for improving the electronics area. The current plan is to build a bench alone the windowed wall connecting the 3D printing and Electronics benches together. It'll be shared between the two areas. The plan is for the space to cover the cost of materials for this bench. == Items == This pledge drive is for the...")
  • 14:41, 11 January 2025Electronics ICs Map (hist | edit) ‎[6,654 bytes]Jsmith (talk | contribs) (Created map page for the positions of ICs within electronics.)
  • 09:32, 4 January 20252025-01-08 Agenda (hist | edit) ‎[2,387 bytes]Shane (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===Agenda=== * '''Chairing''': * '''Minutes''': * '''Location''': Blue Room and Zoom {| class="wikitable" !#!!Item!!Notes!!Owner |- |1||Roll call|| || All |- |2||Announcements and Events|| * Combat Robotics - * Radio Group - 2nd Wednesday of every month * One Shot Wonders - * Film Night - * Coffee and CAD - Third Wednesday of each month * WikiCleanup - * Festivus 2024 - * '''Workshops:''' ** Adobe Illustrator Workshop - Saturday 18th Ja...")
  • 21:34, 3 January 2025Hack the Space Days/11th January 2025 (hist | edit) ‎[1,250 bytes]Asj (talk | contribs) (Created page with "There will be a '''Hack the Space Day''' on Saturday the 11th of January 2025. It's all hands on deck improving our space! This wiki page is intended to detail exactly what needs doing so that we were all working towards the same goals. See 5th October 2024 for what we got up to last time! Many thanks to the people giving their time to make this a success. ''Some people had the idea to start Hack the Space Day on Friday evening...")
  • 08:43, 21 December 2024Content Moderation (hist | edit) ‎[1,153 bytes]Shane (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This site embraces the philosophy that many wiki's do: content is easy to create and change, to make access to information as free a possible. Being a member of the Hackspace is required for editing the content, but it's important to remember that every page is accessible by the wider public. The content of this wiki must follow our Rules, policies, and philosophy. The Rules include following all UK laws, which includes the Online Safety Act. Members, if you see th...")
  • 20:17, 18 December 20242024-12-18 Wiki meetup (hist | edit) ‎[1,673 bytes]Shane (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Present: User:Shane. ## SVGs I've been working making the SVGs a more customisable with CSS. I believe the current images are exported from the bits in the [|RodenHouse repository], based on HomeSweetHome. These don't seem to be very flexible SVGs. Rooms aren't given IDs, for instance, which means we can't highlight a room with CSS. A whole new SVG needs creating. (If this isn't true - lemme know! I don't know much about ed...")
  • 22:41, 16 December 2024Workshops 2025 (hist | edit) ‎[1,459 bytes]Asj (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{also|Events}} This is a list of the workshops that are forthcoming or have happened in the year 2024. There is currently no schedule for workshops. Workshops are run 'ad-hoc' whenever there is a volunteer willing to run them. If you would like to organize a workshop and need help, please contact the Events Team. The first thing you should do when organizing a workshop is to check the [ calendar] to...")
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