Status Boards
Status Boards | |
Primary Contact | Michael Erskine |
Created | 11/03/2016 |
QR code |
Simple means of showing status of Hackspace stuff on web and physical boards.
- NodeMCU (ESP8226) with Arduino core for WiFi-enabled status board
- NodeJS server for HTTP access
- a good starter project for the NodeMCU_v2
- open source software on GitHub
First A4 lasercut prototype with 8 bits of data
prototype back showing ProMicro and wiring
functional prototype running with sample data
The driving of the 16 LEDs poses an interesting problem due to the limited number of digital outputs on the NodeMCU: we are looking for a simple low-cost solution so after looking at various ICs to perform the task I decided to throw in another inexpensive micro with plenty of I/O and control it with I2C, serial or similar.
Using a cheap ProMicro for I/O
The NodeMCU can tell the ProMicro what outputs to drive with a simple serial protocol: -
- ASCII for human convenience and same parsing code on both micros
- same interface on both UARTS - USB and HW for simplicity and testing
- The ESP8266-E is not 5v tolerant on the UART so I shall use a voltage divider