Solar Chargers

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Solar Chargers
Primary Contact Matt L
Created 25/10/2011
Completed {{{completeddate}}}
Dormant {{{dormantdate}}}
Version {{{version}}}
Members {{{members}}}
Manufacturer {{{manufacturer}}}
Model {{{model}}}
Location [[{{{location}}}]]
GitHub / Repo {{{repo}}}
Status Complete
Type Undefined
Live Status {{{livestatus}}}
QR code

The plan was to learn to build a solar powered lantern using recycled and donated materials as much as possible. We will have a load of small solar panels around, some LED lights, components and ideas for packaging it all up. The end result should be similar to the sun-jar, but its up to you what happens. In the end we decided upon building solar battery chargers for charging 2 x AA batteries.

Some links include:

Photos of the workshop are here. Chat with Matt L if you'd like to build one yourself.

Find information about us building Joule Thief's here