2025-02-05 Transcript
Roll Call: Aaron, Edgar, Jason, Steve, Tim, Shane, Emily, Gareth, AndrewW, Malcolm, Dee
Announcements and Events
Combat Robotics - Feb 22nd is Beetle Brawl in Bristol. A few people will be going down, a few people are planning to watch live from the space. There are also plans to do a public event in September.
Radio Group - 2nd Wednesday of every month. Probably going to be a bit teletext focussed this time. There will also be some meshtastic.
One Shot Wonders - The next one will be the 20th, the third Thursday this month. No game planned yet... but, we're also looking at doing longer sessions. They are usually three hours. Duncan has made a wiki page Long Shots. There will be some weekend meetups for the longer games. The next long shot wonders will be the 23rd of Match. Details will be posted on Discord.
Film Night - Something will probably be planned on Discord.
Coffee and CAD - Third Wednesday
The wiki cleanup will also be on the third wednesday.
(Mini) Hack the Space Day - This weekend on the 8th. Trying this out - a bit more informal, the space won't be closed, but it's a chance for people to meetup and do stuff.
Actions and Minutes from last meeting
There are minutes available.
Amazing pizza by Gareth, went perfectly with Hackers.
We have been discussing going camping.
Tony H ran an excellent illustrator workshop. Thanks Tony. Shane enjoyed it and learnt a bunch of stuff.
Team Updates
Woodworking - There was a pledge drive for a new thicknesser. This has been purchased and installed. Excellent! Thanks Eddie and everyone who pledged. There has been a discussion about pallet wood, but there probably aren't enough to discuss this tonight. Malcolm is getting the blade sharpened for the old yellow thicknesser, this might be appropriate for scrap wood. It would be a shame not to allow use of scrap wood entirely. It could be something which gets put away and taken away again. Just thoughts so far.
A note about the wood in here - there was a bunch of wood donated, it probably shouldn't be hanging around for so long. We'll probably find a use for it if you have ideas for it.
Dee has joined.
There has been a lot of discussion about the dusty area being messy. An email has been sent out about this - we hope it will help. As usual, the messy ones aren't at the meeting 🙂
Electronics - There was a pledge drive. There is a microscope, soldering extraction and a reflow. Aaron did the first board tonight and it came out quite nice. Thanks everyone who contributed! We are planning to build a bench between the the electronics and 3D Printing.
Membership Team - We definitely need more people helping with the tour. If you can help out it would be hugely appreciated. If you have ideas about persuading more people to do it that might also be helpful. No other news from the membership team.
Resources and Snackspace - Stocking up on gloves and safety glasses. We think these have been put where they should be, if we are missing any then shout and we can put some in place.
Laser Team - We've ordered new lenses. Also there was an issue with extraction and someone filled the room with smoke. Obviously if the room is filling with smoke you should probably stop cutting. Comms - Plans to have a meetup to schedule the writing of blog posts this year. Contributors are welcome! The idea is to reduce the pressure on everyone but getting 12 people to do one post each. This also gives us content we can share out in other places. Gareth will get a meeting sorted out at some point. Thank you Gareth!
Network Team - Workshop switch 8of9. Temporarily installed a temporary. We bought a replacement but it arrived broken so got a full refund. The gigabit ports are broken but 100meg work fine.
No financial update but bank balance is looking healthy.
Any other business
Aaron raises that this meeting was only 20 minutes. 🙂 It was a quick one. Thanks everyone.