EMF Camp 2018: Difference between revisions

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| [[User:martin_f|Martin Farraway]] || Yes || Lift || No || Thursday || Sunday  
| [[User:martin_f|Martin Farraway]] || Yes || Lift || No || Thursday || Sunday  
| Vicki Winter || Yes || Car || No || Thursday || Monday

Revision as of 08:41, 13 August 2018

Event Info

Date August 31st - September 2nd, 2018
Location Eastnor Castle Deer Park, Ledbury
Ticket Prices Early bird £115, later batches TBC but expect similar/small increase
Official EMF org links TBA
Availability Sold out - tickets may be available on an individual basis
Other info EMF Wiki, EMF-specific FAQs


Every year, we go as a big group and set up the Nottingham Hackspace village. We offer something to EMF attendees (EMF2016 we brought BarBot, Snackspace and Fire Pong) and we also combine our resources to feed us all for the three days. There is obviously a cost to this, and last year we split this - £20 for food, £10 for the village, per person

If you are interested in joining the village for 2018, please fill in the table below - we'll need to have a proper planning meeting to organise volunteers and arrange equipment at some point.

Food has yet to be arranged (usually a few people volunteer to organise communal meals for the weekend) but do express an interest if you think you would like to be fed. Don't feel paying for food is a compulsory part of village attendance - some folk do self-cater and bring their own cook stuff and EMF organisers usually arrange for a bar and a few catering trailers.

Name Ticket Bought Transport Food Going On Returning On
James Hayward Yes Car Yes! Thursday Monday
'RepRap' Matt Yes Other No Way before anyone else Some time after everyone else
Ben White Yes Car Yes Thursday Monday
James Taylor No Train/Car sharing Yes! Thursday Monday
Mouse Yes Car Yes Thursday (from Herts) Sunday (to Herts)
Michelle S Yes Car Yes Thursday Sunday
James F Yes Car Yes Thursday Monday
Kate Yes No Yes Thursday? Monday?
Froggy Yes No Yes Thursday Monday
Ian D Yes Yes Yes Thursday Sunday
Michael E Yes TBA No TBA TBA
Toby Kinda Van Yup! TBA TBA
Daniel Yes Car Yes TBA TBA
Matt Little Yes TBA Yes Thurs PM Mon
Andrew Armstrong Yes Car Yes Thursday Sunday
Iain Sharp Yes Car Yes Thursday? Sunday?
Martin Farraway Yes Lift No Thursday Sunday
Vicki Winter Yes Car No Thursday Monday


This is a list of vehicles traveling to EMF 2018. Please update as necessary including any room you have for passengers and stuff.

Vehicle Driver Going On Returning On Passenger Spaces Room for Stuff? Passengers
Vehicle Driver name Driving there on X Driving back to Nottingham on Y Empty seats Room for stuff Who's going (not inc driver)
Car Andrew Armstrong Thursday daytime Sunday evening Possibly Possibly Martin Faraway (but not coming back)
Car James Fowkes Thursday daytime Monday No Probably not, it's a Corsa Michelle S (not coming back), Froggy


This is a rough list of (shared) stuff we'll be taking to EMF and will need to find space for in vehicles. There may be space for camping equipment for anyone not traveling by car.

Item Organising Transporting
Power Leads
Wunderkammer Kate
Small Folding Table Kate
Event Shelter


A bunch of us are giving talks and/or doing workshops, because we like to hear the sound of our own voices.

Person Talk/Workshop Time
Kate "The Story of Elmer McCurdy" TBA
Michelle S Spider Silk: Hacking nature's strongest fibre [Talk] TBA

What to Bring

Here are some ideas of things you might want to bring with you.

Item Reason
Decent quality long extension lead If you want power to your tent
4-way extension lead or similar Plugs will be limited, bring to ensure you have enough for your devices
Money Money can buy food and/or beverages
Teacup Having your own teacup you can re-use will help us out
Medication Bring your own pain killers/hangover cures, we do not supply this! First aiders will be on site.
Camping Chairs Chairs have been ordered for village use, bring your own to guarantee a place to sit and for your own tent.
Long Ethernet cable If you want ethernet in your tent
Micro USB cables The EMF badge charges via a micro USB cable and you'll probably want a spare for your phone/kindle/tablet etc.
Torch It gets dark at night
Rubber Mallet To help put up your own tent and others
Drinks There is a bar but you might want to bring spirits or other drinks for yourself.
Snacks To keep your going between meals
Toiletries Stuff to wash with, towels, toothbrush etc.
Raincoat and Wellies It will probably rain at some point and it's in a field
Sun Cream There might be sun at some point and you'll be outdoors
Bug Spray It's near water and some people have tasty blood
Jumpers, Jacket and Hoodies It will be cold at night and you'll be outdoors
Painkillers E.g. Paracetamol/Ibuprofen. Some people get ill, some get hangovers. These are cheap, small and occasionally necessary.


Minutes of EMF planning meetings to (hopefully) go here.

Nottinghack Projects

If you're planning to do a project to take to EMF 2018 and might want to collaborate with others or group together for transport etc, please consider adding a page to this section.


EMF 2018 Collaboration - defunct

EMF 2016 Projects

  • BarBot - Mouse and volunteers ran BarBot. It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun too. They needed at least three people during the event and one coordinator/planner pre- and during the event. Contact Mouse if you think you'd like to organise/run BarBot at EMF 2018.
  • Fire Pong - Nottinghack collaboration resulting in an attraction involving fire, giant ping pong bats and 1-D pong. Enormously popular.

Thoughts and Ideas after EMF2016

Please put any ideas and thoughts for 2018 here!


  • Bring more bottle openers
  • If we keep doing big stuff like snackspace and barbot, may as well just hire a 6x6 tent to have both inside, away from our village kit.
    • Also extra room for storage too.


  • Expanded range; crisps, energy bars, non-fizzy drinks, fruit
  • Overall worked really well
  • Better signage
  • Ensure whatever card payment method we use has its own dedicated gps (to avoid thinking we're in Holland because of the wifi)
    • Cheap/unused android phone as a dedicated device? Frees up the Fire even more then.
  • 2x boxes of cola bottles sold out fast - recommend 3 at least
  • Dedicated fridge for drinks was v successful
  • Hand sanitizer - lots


Please feel free to log any software improvements/fixes that might help as issues on github - I'll try and get round to them before EMF2018 - Daniel (talk) 14:09, 10 August 2016 (UTC)

  • People fucking love some robo-cocktails
  • Better signage - pre-print and laminate some signs with instructions / address at the hackspace
  • HS2.5 Badge rewards for donating worked really well
  • Make sure Kindle Fire is charged!
  • Grenadine gets everywhere
  • Background music on final day worked well
  • Enough lighting to avoid having to use fluorescent lights (fairy lights were good)
    • Cheap RGB strips? Could even wire them up to respond to music
  • Grenadine syringe refill is tedious - "there has to be a better way!" - need to look into this
  • better dasher refill technique needed - there's a hole in the top of each bottle so let's use it!
  • umbrella in every drink - it's the final flourish and the disappointment of the users was evident - could require a wider hi-ball glass or more adjustable brolly dropper
  • cherry conveyor was rarely working - way sticky - needs a teardown and clean and the cherries need rinsing before adding
    • Also something to make the belt a bit grippier - little cocktail stick sections glued on the outside?
  • also the ability to load more cherries (and other consumables) from behind barbot would have a better effect
  • our working layout was spoiling the automation wonder effect - having a human slave carry a glass to the far end of the track - being able to add a glass from the other end and preferably from behind barbot would be better.
    • For 2014 we had the optics end against one tent wall and the 'loading' end free - this is probably the optimal layout for now (unless we change how stuff is loaded)
    • Can umbrella dispenser be hinged? Can be flipped up to load from behind and dropped for dispensing then
  • losing track of the hi-ball glass riser kinda sucked with the flow of operating
    • we discovered both kinds of glass could hold the same amount - maybe just rock it with cocktail glasses?
  • more human slaves required - this is a good money spinner and worth more members available to serve is better
  • one of the mixer taps needs repair and some of the MDF is starting to swell from moisture!
  • some sort of status screen might be good?
    • Taking the number screen again would be great
  • have field on web interface to give a name when ordering - would be so much easier to locate who had what number! - Already implemented and tested on the the last day of EMF 2016