Open day 2012

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Revision as of 23:00, 22 April 2012 by Marcus (talk | contribs) (Categorised)
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We are just starting to organise the 2012 open day. If you've been looking for a way to contribute to Nottinghack, now is a good time to get involved.

See last year's open day 2011 for inspiration.

If you want to get involved but you can't be bothered to edit this wiki then please drop an email to the mailing list discussion here.

Projects that will be on show

These are the projects we will advertise (TBC) . If can prepare or demo any projects on the open day, please let us know or add them here:

Project Promotional photos Demonstrator/Organiser* Confirmed** Other notes
Mini-matrix Daniel Not yet
Vending machine Daniel, Chunky Not yet Needs stock (Badge kit, bat detector, POV, Drawdio, joule theif, TV-B-Gone, Xino, Minimus)
Quadrocopters Lwk, Tim, Dan Not yet These won't actually be flying on the day, just showing work in progress.
Reprap Prusa Lwk Not yet
Arduino demos Lwk Not yet
LED Matrix Lwk Not yet
Pedal powered projects
Chunky Not yet
Michael's MAME Machine Msemtd Not yet
Crafty stuff (details coming) Kate Not yet
Colouring in section Kate Not yet (for kids of all ages)
POV Clock Tim, Dan Not yet
Props: Medic costume Andrew Not yet
Props: Steampunk and vintage cameras
Gmjhowe Not yet
Atari punk console Gmjhowe Not yet
Not yet

Party preparations

These are things will be ready for the party:

Party Promotional photos Organiser* Confirmed** Other notes
Music set Chunky Not yet Funk?
Punch Kate Not yet Alcoholic/non-alcoholic?
Beer Chunky Not yet
Not yet

* People who will prepare for the day (or demo this project on the day).
** Confirmation that the project will be ready and working on the day. Please confirm, eg: "definitely will be ready", "maybe ready", etc.

Volunteer roles

Before the day

Last-minute preparations

These people have offered to come on the Wednesday before the open day to help with any last minute preparations:

Person Confirmed Notes
Andrew Not yet
? ? ?


Promoting the event, eg. making and distributing flyers, posting adverts, contacting other organisations, etc.

Person Confirmed Notes
Kate Not yet
Marcus Yes
? ? ?

On the day

Greeters/tour guides

Greeters who will welcome newcomers on the day, offer tours, and share membership information. Be warned: people who did this last year say that it was a big job, so they had little time remaining to show off their projects during the day.

Person Confirmed Notes
Kate Not yet
? ? ?

Other notes

Chunky has other projects to bring (to confirm by email)