The election will take place electronically using OpaVote, and you will receive an individual voting email to your registered email address after the AGM.
There are three open trustee slots, and the following members have put themselves forward to be trustees.
James Fowkes
As a member of the Hackspace, I have tried to contribute by running workshops and assisting with infrastructure tasks. My interests as a trustee would be to encourage members to feel that they run the Hackspace and are able to participate as I have done. I believe that members running the Hackspace for themselves is a vital part of creating a feeling of community. Over the last year I have been very pleased to see the creation of member teams for resources/tools etc, and I would encourage further development of this.
Photo coming soon
Andrew Armstrong
I intend to run this year for a trustee position. I would be willing to put time into the space from the top organisational end and would offer to help run meetings. Running the new laser project, helping with the resources team and attending many of the meetings has given me an overview of how things are going. I'd like to further see people who know everything about something to have a point of contact for starting to decide if that something is to be pledge-driven, partially funded or brought outright by Nottinghack; and document them more fully on the wiki, newsletter and physically in the space when this happens, or just to help new members who don't know what to do with things they want to get done, rather then the current mess of some people going on the mailing list, some going through meetings, some getting discussed in person only, and some going through "high up" individual members independently of anything else.
David Clarke
I am standing for re-election to the Hackspace of trustees, having
completed my first two-year term on the board.
The next year will see a period of consolidation as the current space
becomes filled to capacity, and we have to start looking towards
Hackspace 3.0. I believe that I can contribute to this process with my
experience of previous business establishments and moves, as well as
continuing to contribute an alternative voice in discussion and decision
making within the 'space.
I will continue, as before, to contribute to the housekeeping and
services management of the space, and act as a facilitator to other
hackers' projects.
I look forward to your support at the forthcoming elections.