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Our logo is a white, angled, H in a green circle. It is ubiquitous in the space and can be seen on everything from Leaflets, Walls and T-shirts. The logo must always be represented in Green, with the exception of items printed as Black and White. It is also acceptable to use the logo as an inversion, whereby the H itself and the background is green, as per the Nottinghack Website

The file linked to above is an SVG, which is vectored and will scale to any size you need. Nearly all imaging programs will accept it.

Note Note: Wherever possible, please use this file.

The font used for the H in the roundel is Bladi One Slab 4F Heavy. This is a commercial font available from myfonts for £25. The font used for the Nottingham Hackspace text next to the roundel is Oxygen, a free font available from Google Fonts.

Hacked Logos

Although we have brand guidelines, the way we represent the Hackspace in Promotional materials and online is very relaxed. Modifying the Hackspace Logo to fit your needs is OK. As we are a hackspace, we encourage people to have a go at things themselves. Our logo is no exception. All we ask is that you try and keep the H and circle the same, and keep it the same green. Beyond that, it is up to you to make it your own.

There are plenty of variations of the Hackspace Logo in use. Below are some 'Hacked Logos' that you can use as a reference.

Hackspace Green

The official green colour is Lincoln Green which is measured as the following -

Lincoln Green

(For Print)

72 0 94 65

(For Screen)

25 89 5
RGB Hex #195905

(For Paint)