Drying Area

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Revision as of 08:00, 12 July 2019 by Jon (talk | contribs) (This small area off the Studio was converted into the Screen Printing Area in July 2019.)
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This small area off the Studio was converted into the Screen Printing Area in July 2019.

Drying Area  (past)
Intended Use A short-term space for you to put your projects whilst they dry.
Manufacturer {{{manufacturer}}}
Model {{{model}}}
Team Craft & Textiles
Floor Upstairs
Area [[]]
Locations:   all pages                 {{}}

The Drying Area is being offered as short-term space for you to put your projects whilst the glue dries, or the resin cures, rather than needing to leave projects in the Spray Booth or on the benches overnight. It is accessed via the Studio at the left hand side of the outer wall. It is looked after by the Craft & Textiles Team.

Note Note: This use case for the area is being operated as a trial. It was conceived at the 2019-03-06 Members Meeting.

This area was replaced with the Screen Printing Area July 2019.

Tools and equipment

question No Tools are stored in this area.

Important notes

Projects being left in this area still require Do Not Hack labels generated in the same way as for Large Project Storage. If you cannot place the label on the thing that is drying, please place it in an obvious spot immediately next to the project.

This is not an area to store things permanently.


question This area does not require booking and can not be booked.

Cleaning and maintenance

Always leave the area as you would like to find it. Build time into your schedule for cleaning up. The cleaning equipment is Toilets.

Problems and issues

question If there is a problem in the Drying Area contact the Craft & Textiles Team.

Upstairs Comfy AreaStudioMembers StorageTextiles WorkshopKitchenToiletsWorkshopDusty AreaMetalworking AreaSpray BoothLaser AreaCNC AreaScreen Printing
Downstairs 3D Printer AreaElectronics AreaBlue RoomTeam StorageMetalworking DownstairsMembers Storage DownstairsClassroomBike AreaMain CorridorCNC Corridor
Changes in [[:Category:]]
No changes during the given period match these criteria.