2012-03-07 Minutes
Action Overview
Actions are now kept on the Action List
Roll Call
Board Members
- James Hayward (JH)
- Dominic Morrow (via Skype)
- Michael Erskine
- Matt Lloyd (MLl)
- Matt Little (MLi)
- David Hayward (DH)
This meeting was quorate
Board Meeting Time
Jake has asked to move the board meeting to 8pm, so that train users are able to attend. Other members said they would also like to get home a bit earlier.
JH raised concern that it would be cutting the open hack night short
Kate suggested we have a rota of volunteers to look after guests
DM says in lots of hackspaces open hack nights are only meetings
ME say it would make last hour of a quarter of open hack nights dead, which wouldn't look good.
JH suggests making meeting open to non-members too, without voting privileges.
Jake suggests trialling for next meeting.
No objections, JH to take action.
Actions Update
Update of actions from last meeting 2012-02-01_Minutes
- LVL1 sponsorship - no action
- Hot water - Bizspace - new manager to chat to bizspace about it
- Electric Bill - Bizspace - raised, billed this month. Closed
- Spraying booth - build - design done
- Security camera to mailing list - no longer applicable after security meeting Closed
- Add Open day (5th May) to calendar and mailing list - done. Closed
- Give Andrew access to blog - done Closed
- Global Game Jam blog post - DH did Closed
- New server to replace Holly - done Closed
- Buy 2 ring electric hob - done, may also be free Closed
- Add copying details to wiki - started
Financial Update
To be put onto the wiki by MLl
Hackspace is currently running at a deficit of around £150 a month.
MLi asks about membership and growth
DH informs us that winter has slowed growth and some members lost. Growth shows improvement again now. Feb 5 new members, March already 1 new.
MLi - we need to market to potential people further afield from core group
Marcus agrees to take on action to start discussion about how to reach out to potential members.
Agreement to reduce capital expenditure for now.
Managing Money
JH - currently cash in the hackspace is in various locations and unaccounted for. Proposal to move everything into one place and manage as a petty cash account.
MLl - we'll need an in/out book
JH will get
DM - who will manage?
JH offers, no objections.
DavidC - we need to keep donation tins around the space, with money in to imply that people regularly donate.
JH - need to have written constitution about membership, board of trustees, how they are elected, etc.
After a fairly involved discussion, the following is agreed:
- 7 trustees
- elected at AGM
- 2 year term normally, but this year 4 random trustees will stand down (or trustees that want to stand down).
- trustees can stand again
- no limit to terms at this time
JH also raised that we need to have how to remove troublesome members in the constitution. Made clear that we don't have an issue at the moment, but better to agree before a problem arise.
DH stated that it would be a big discussion, so better to do away from the meeting.
Agreement to have members-only discussion as airing this publically may affect reputation. JH to start
JH to also write up draft constitution and start public discussion about it. Constitution to by ratified at AGM
Keys, access and member audit
DH - long overdue for a code change, and we have ex-members who still know how to get in. We need to audit them out and do a code change.
MLl - Would also like to get rid of the emergency PIN. Make sure no one is passing the PIN on, and we'll know when Bizspace are accessing the space.
Hayley: If you lose your card, you'll have to come in on a Wednesday.
JH - Matt can re-eneable a PIN to set up a new RFID card via email
David C: Can I assume you're setting up a new backdoor PIN?
MLl: Yes.
DM asks whether bizspace have once only PINs?
MLl - would make it difficult for tradesmen, likely to leave door open, they can have a card
Pat - we need to get yale key back or change locks
MLl - as padlock code is changing it is not important.
JH suggest we remove dual membership. No changes to how members pay us, but record keeping wise we split the payment in two and have two individual members. Parent and child can still be one, as issued only one RFID card.
No objections
Security meeting update
JH - most painful 2 hours of my life
MLl - only 1.5 hours!
Conclusions: Security cameras were deemed okay, but only in the realm of overall security.
Marcus and Tony working together on a prioritised list of security needs for the space.
Discussion of this currently on the members only mailing list.